Sunday, April 15, 2007


Well the other day we all buddies were discussing about the difference between LOVE, Crush and infatuation!! Though we brainstormed on the topic for almost an hour coming up with our own stupid perceptions of the three concepts, it triggered my atom size brain into a series of fission reactions churning out my credence about this term called love!!

So what is love? I fail to understand the voracity of ideas that has conceptualized this stereotypical concept of love around us. Why is love synonymous with fidelity!! Why does love only mean being faithful to one person, being caring, getting married to that person, pump out kids and loving them and bringing them up in a perfect stereotypical environ which has to be a benchmark of a perfect couple !! Why is being adventurous after marriage such a taboo?? Getting attracted towards another colleague whom you can relate more than your wife, having a secret crush or a fantasy about your fiancés sister, feeling a sexual attraction towards your grown up daughter, imagining your favorite actress in place of your wife whilst making love ….. The list just goes on – but all just gets summated in one word TABOO!! And then you point out at the male hormone and say that all men are assholes of the worst order, completely insensitive and are born to cheat and sleep behind their partners back!! Why are mistresses looked upon as if they are some liability on this planet, why are their feelings inferior, outlawed and proscribed vis a vis a legal wife’s feelings for her husband !! Are they different in any biological or scientific way? Aren’t both beings as human have equal rights to feel and care for their love, crave for their partners physical presence. But society never accepts this fact!!

I remember the funny remark that we used to pass during singing our pledge in school everyday – All Indians are my Brothers and Sisters – except one. Even during those days of “we don’t need no education” and other radical philosophies burning in our minds, one thing was drilled straight down our heads by the society – that we have only one partner in our whole life – one wife, one spouse, one beau, only ONE!!

Why is the topic of sex such a taboo under all the religions and cultures around the world!! Why is being adventurous after marriage labeled as cheating and infidelity. Why are guys who have stronger harmonic urges who fulfill them are looked upon as dogs conceiving with any bitch they find on the road!! Why is it a sin to look at any other girl once you have a committed relationship; when since centuries nature itself in its abundance has left us to savage and devour its beauty and tranquility? Which other animal on this planet follow a one partner rule – in fact nature itself has imbibed on the concept of multiplication which we accurately term as the mating season which differs from animal to animal. Has the term social animal that has been denoted to humans, bound them to terms like infidelity? Renowned author Paulo Coelho also points out through his book The Zahir that the concept of one partner started being followed amongst tribes for the sake of FOOD. Until that time, it was perfectly natural for both the sexes who were both given equal importance to choose their own partners amongst the tribes, conceive children and then move on to other mates. Why is it then this tradition of one partner started centuries even before traces of the first religion were found, are being followed blindly even till date.

I admit that I am not driving my thoughts towards formation of a new society where anybody can just sleep with anyone of their choice; no I am not being so juvenile and illogical. But all I want is an answer as to why being in love with someone from the bottom of your heart, when you already have a committed partner in some other corner of the world, termed as CHEATING on your partner?? Is following your hearts voice a sin? Don’t we change our durables atleast once a year to keep up with the latest trends and technology; don’t we give up our old furniture and get in new furniture when they become outdated, so why can’t we just simply get bored with our respective partner? Ohh no, I think even mentioning the term bored is a sin in today’s world of humane societal values. Is dragging yourself with someone whom u despise from the bottom of your heart true humanity or is following your free will!!

I do agree that a world where just everyone starts ogling and running behind every other attractive person of the opposite sex sounds utterly chaotic, muddled, messy and disorganized. I am not writing to ask everyone to start adopting our ancestors tribal ways of living, all I am pointing out are disgorgement of archaic principles which are being simply followed for no rhyme or reason. All I am asking for is chucking out antiquated belief’s which are being driven erroneously on the concept of LOVE. Is this really love? I am sure this article would be heavily criticized by people who have always lived under the umbrella of these lackadaisical concepts, and I m equally sure that maximum readers would associate their own lives and relationships with the questions asked above.

Whichever the case, I cannot really conclude this topic with a firm finale. I am myself not sure what should be termed as RIGHT and what is WRONG, and moreover I am part of the same social system and hierarchy that I am commenting on. Though I would like to end this blog with a quote from a dear friend which I find very interesting – "love after love is possible and normal; lust after love is possible and normal" !!

We DonT NEeD nO EdUcAtIOn !!

Have been reading the banned Opal Mehta got kissed book since last 2 days and it really makes me wonder the kind of hysterical dread that parents stuff into young nubile minds. The need to succeedingly achieve competence is leading Indian parents to groom their Youngsters right since they are out of a mother’s womb; pushing their young ones towards continuously attaining echelons so that they design themselves into a perfecto sculpture of precision into this roller coaster rat race called LIFE.

Parents in a frenzy of making their children successful in life are now crossing unlimlitless boundaries. The kind of efforts put behind their children, if concentrated on their own professional lives – would definitely turn them into Mittals and Ambanis.

SO how does one define a successful life??

I say a victorious life for an Indian is made of 3 things – money, money, money?? And how does one attain money, the first answer by any Indian layman would be – become a Doctor or Engineer. Ask any Indian housewife what they would want their children to become, the answer would be a crystal clear IT professional who would fly off to the US of A and earn dollars or even better – get a green card.

So blind is the smoke screen filled with GREEN that youngsters like you and me have forgotten the actual need for education.

Education has become an alleyway to a glorious life filled with luxuries and GREENery , and no more a conduit towards enlightenment and being a better individual. Educational institutions are turned to mere placement agencies where the top grades are given to colleges that attract the highest placement offers and not to the ones that actually impart quality edification. Why do you think people try to bell the CAT for years and get into a prestigious IIM. Is it really the kind of quality education imparted? Or is it more for the underlined truth of SOciaL PrestiGe and secured placements. I seriously undermine the authenticity of poorly governed and government funded institutions like JBIMS where students actually crave for basic infrastructure. The fact that the institute gets top placements is only because the recruiters know that the top talent is screened and selected in these so called prestigious institutions during the admission / selection process.

How many students pursue microbiology for their pursuit towards decoding their biological fantasies? How many in India actually try and lead their life towards ones actual interests? Would Dhirubhai AMbani have ever allowed Anil to become a marine biologist if he had the fantasy for aquatic life? No parent in India would happily do that unless their child is a rebel and a self follower.

Indian education practices are narrowly bordered on all sides encompassing only empty vacuum in the form of streamlined, conventional, meaningless books and boring unattended lectures shaping into 3 yr bachelor course. It is high time the entire fraternity awakens to this incomprehensible nonsense and actually imparts QuaLitY EdUCaTIOn !!

Condom Mania

Have heard about condoms being ineffective, but today was the heights of all freak accidents ever!! Having met my gurl after 4 months, we were both eager to undress each other even before the bedroom door was locked.. I have been a durex loyal since my nascent stages of sexdom. But today due to Durex’s lack of market penetration led me buying a pack of KOHINOOR.

I entered the shop with a confident look. There was a maharashtrian auntie in shop talking about today’s YOUNG generation, so I hushed up the other assistant in the shop and asked him a pack of DUREX. He went behind the stacks of CERELAX and Bournvita, he looked from one drawer to another for a period which felt as long as eternity (I would have conceived and produced 10 kids in that period). He finally emerged from behind the hoard and whimpered like a puppy with my foot on his tail “sir, DUREX nahin hai, KamaSutra chalega?? Exasperated at his lack of confidentiality, I looked from one eye to the other, from the aunties to the shop owners who were giving me that sweet look. At my confident best, I asked him for a KamaSutra , this time the reply was faster , “Sir Kamasutra ka bada packet hai , 40 condoms wala” . I felt like telling him, that tho I mite be fanatical about catering culinary delicacies, but I m def not interested in making any condom curry!!

And so I came home with a shining new PINK Kohinoor packet, all ready to see my beloved in my arms. Quite frankly, I have always been condom-phobic and have never been able to use them as they r supposed to be used. First 15 mins were dedicared mot to foreplay, but surprisingly to wear that dirty fucking pink colored rubber. Till then, I was deadly sure about one thing, there is no condom as comfy as DUREX..

I finally stretched the darn thing enough so that I could wear it, and then turned to my priorities.

Tired of the same position every time, I decided to try something new that day, so I asked my lady love to turn for me.. and Jeepers Creepers.., within two minutes my p#$%^s was out and there was no condo on it… I tried searching on the bed and along its length, but no sir, couldn’t find even a single trace!! Then after searching for some time, like a lightning, the truth struck me…. The fucking rubber was stuck inside my damsel…. Who was now a damsel in distress – I could actually picture a scenario of a surgeon operating on my sweet lady to remove the damn thing out!!

Confused like a kid, I was totally perplexed regarding what to do? Then like a lightning, I jus threw out all my worries and dug my fingers inside and took the fucking rubber out … wallah !! It was finally out and safe ….

Moral of the STORY – never try twisting and turning while using a KOHINOOR condom !!

p.s – All the references preceded with a FUCKING Condom are deliberate derogatory remarks for the manufacturer of cheap , lower quality pink condoms !!


Karan Johar has decided to move out of his typical audience loving family blockbusters and explore the world of experimental topics not seen apt by many traditional Indian viewers!! He has not only tried his hand at the theme of infidelity or failed relationships – but has succeeded in bringing out the entire subject with such minute details (of emotions and events) that it takes me back to similar days of my past.

The story might have Bollywood snippets woven inside the comfy layover, but each and every emotion that the unhappy Dev and Maya go through are so well touched upon and taken care of that it’s worth throwing your hats off to Mr Gay Johar. Right from conventional instances of people with similar problems landing up talking to each other, till scenes where Dev buys a bouquet to gift his Mistress and bumps into his wife; the film spews reality bytes right from the start to the end. Though I agree with Nikhat Kazmi in his TOI review about KANK that the starting scene of meeting up on a bench does seem a bit filmy and overstretched from pragmatism, the rest of the movie is just an ideal example of real emotions exhibited with glamour and authenticity to utmost perfection.

It is the typical audience who are so used to watching adventurous love stories full of saga and romance that out of the way topics like OmKAra and KANK are just not appreciated up to there actual merit.

KANK is a must watch for all couples - married and unmarried alike, especially for those who have tasted the astringent tang of infidelity on either side of the stage!! It is an uptight rational voyage that keeps you glued on and relates yourself to the characters in such a delightful demeanor, that you hardly realize the unconventionally longer duration of the film.

A big applaud to Mr Johar for the spell bounded look that I saw on every face in the cinema hall when the lights came on during intermission!!

ColA FLaVouREd PesTIcIDE !!

I fail to understand the recent clamor over the pesticide issue concerning cola drinks?? Haven’t Indians of all other global citizens famous for their affection towards other alternative drinks like tea, buttermilk and fruit juices.

We being the novel generation have been hearing horror stories of toilets getting cleaned spick and span by using cola drinks and teeth melting overnight if kept in a cola solution; then why the racket now? Haven’t we as the privileged educated few known about the dreadful effects about consuming cola drinks? Ranging from high calories to obesity and from hyper tension to chronic diabetes, colas have always been a morally banned drink amongst parents all over. I don’t remember any kind of drinks other than Mangola and Energee being sold in my school canteen even 10 years back.

Why blame multinationals?? Being from a socialist and communist background, Indians – politicians and citizens alike have been biased towards Foreign Cos since the initial days of the opening of the economy. Why blame the multinationals when our own babus and government have forced them to put up manufacturing facilities in villages and rural areas to generate employment. Land which has been traditionally occupied under farming practices is obviously high in pesticide content!! Which company would love to add a pesticide in their recipe for a damned cold drink? But how much can they help if the ground water itself is full of unlimited pesticide content. After having known the capacity in which water would be seeped from the available resources for the required production in advance, the government at that time is more concerned over under the table bribes involved at different stages of setting up a manufacturing unit. And then when competition funded NGOs raise a voice, the government awakens and asks the companies to stop depleting the ground water resources.

How much does a Mumbaikar think before drinking the BMC supplied water without filtering or boiling? How much does a Delhitte think before eating a pani puri with water used from god knows where touched with hands put in god knows what? We all keep eating from roadside gaddis and gutter side stalls inspite of seeing flies hovering over these gutters kissing and spitting in our food!!

The entire panorama lands me towards only one conclusion – we all need a push to remove our frustrations on someone or the other from time to time!! Wasn’t the pesticide issue highlighted enough 3 years back, then why are we rousing now over the so called sin that is being committed by the cola companies?? Did the pesticide content just disappear after the media sidelines the issue??

So what is the moral of the story – always think the Vishal way!! Drink only from fountain-pepsi counters as they allegedly make their carbonated liquids using local water resources or add local water to reduce costs!!

KaChaNGgggggggggggg !!!!

ColA FLaVouREd PesTIcIDE - part 2 !!

SRK JusTIFiCaTiOn !!

Guess SRK thinks the vishal way too; he has argued that IndIA is a FILTHY country..... For once some1 of his cadre has commented something candidly and genuinely without any least hint of self interest. The air that we breathe in Mumbai is as harmfully equivalent to smoking 29 cigs in a day – beat THAT!! Everything from fruits to vegetables and all products based on ground water are equally bred and sold under the same pesticide MIX !! Swaminathan Aiyer has gone a step beyond and even compared MILK products to COLAS. As per the Maneka Gandhi comment about harmful contents in unskimmed milk, even having daily consumptions of milk based products can be equally perilous and fatal in long terms.

I really hate the way politicians dodge and twist and hedge such issues off their white collars as and how events turn, sometimes more spuriously then even a boxer in the ring. These self proclaimed socialistic heroes ride every event like a rodeo with utmost skill and precision. While kerala has already shown its wrath towards the capitalist US based MNC’s by banning colas, TN is soon to follow Kerala’s lead. This abysmally appalling behavior under the umbrella of so called socialistic goals is just another attempt to throw blames to RICH powerful foreign firms who are actually the only reason that India has even managed to forecast a 10% GDP growth.

The under informed and over spoken politicos should moreover concentrate on the ground realities of the issue of increasing pesticide content in ground water level which are being caused by hasty farmers over burdening the ecology with pesticidal residues in return for quick results. There should be steps taken to improve the soil topography in terms of artificial alien contents of all types.

Either choose to recover the ground water standards or choose to ignore and continue to live up with the reality bytes. The relieving fact is Darwin’s theory of evolution!! Human being is a continuously evolving species and if insects and pests can evolve and build a resistance towards pesticides and become immune towards such chemicals – why cant human beings?? I would rather suggest indulging into all such tagged poisonous liquids and in the long run become immune to even the most dreadful of chemicals in the WORLD !!

OBC Hullaboo

Empower them !!

I regret the pledge we used to sing proudly in school – reconciling our self with the fact that India is a secular , sovereign , socialist , democratic republic !! Or is it ??

Well I remember myself being down with cold one fine day, and my granny trying to fish out a decent doctor in the neighborhood (we were knew in d area) – I just remembered seeing a docs name around d corner and dragged my granny to that place – she pulled my hand back and said “that doctors name is KORE which means he is an SC/ST – so he has definitely got admission from quotas and may not even be worth prescribing medicines to a DOG!!

Oour politicians and dalit supporters claim that till INDIA INC and Higher Level educations starts embracing dalits and other backward classes – there would be no upliftment. Dear sir/s – the question is not about embracing dalits but about accepting these so called underprivileged who are brought up in a cradle of quotas cos every1 know they aren’t worth it !!

With such frail policies as quotas – u r downgrading them much more then they can grow in an atmosphere of empowerment. If our babus want more votes - make education free for everyone who is economically underprivileged and not religiously disadvantaged!! Give them free education, free hostel… free books.. But only to theose who deserve it !! We all have seen SC-ST students joining higher education on as low as 40% marks and then give up in a yr or 2 thus wasting that seat..

The recent OBC issue is worth dying for, hats off to the AIIMS students who had the guts to voice out!! And a middle finger to all those tardy politicians who decided to opt for silence during passing the OBC vote..

Ironically, OBCs are the most affluent of all the backward and underprivileged classes and I know most of them being on higher economic hedges then most of us – then y this outright mockery of the constitutional rights for all the open categories!! With so many reservations for every unheard category, a paltry 5-10% remains for the open classes.. so is a unforeseen revenge that has been bestowed upon the privileged many !! Lets all come together and fight for a quota even for an open category!! I guess that’s the only way out of this mayhem

People prefer working as Individuals

Virtually every working person I’ve ever come across believes in teamwork. At least they say they do. Sadly, a scarce few of them make teamwork a reality in their organizations; in fact, they often end up creating environments where political infighting and departmental serenity are the norm. And yet they continue to flaunt their belief in teamwork, as if that alone will somehow make it magically appear. I think that only a small minority of companies truly understand and embrace teamwork, even though, more than one in three of the Fortune 500 publicly declares it to be a core value.

“I would like to start by asking a question – What is a TEAM?
I would say it’s an ‘Allegedly Cohesive Summation’ of INDIVIDUALS”

Contrary to conventional wisdom, teamwork is not a virtue in itself. It is merely a strategic choice, not unlike adopting a specific sales model or a financial strategy. And certainly, when properly understood and implemented, it is a powerful and beneficial tool. Unfortunately, management theorists and human resources professionals have made teamwork unconditionally desirable, something akin to being a good corporate citizen.
As a result, we see many of today’s champion managers adopt this theory without actually realizing what it entails. Take them in a corner, confide them, and ask them the truth – “Why do u actually follow team work?” They would say – that’s the convention about employees in today’s organizational portfolio.

Of course, none of this is to say that teamwork is not a worthy goal. There is no disputing that it is uniquely powerful, enabling groups of people to achieve more collectively than they could have imagined doing apart. However, the requirements of teamwork cannot be over hyped. Becoming a team is not necessarily right for every group of leaders. The fact is, building a leadership team is hard. What follows is a realistic description of what a group of managerial executives must be ready to do if they undertake the nontrivial task of becoming a team.

Individual Work Vs Group Work
You might ask which one according to me is better - Group Work or Individual Work? I would say Better is a relative term and also that Work per se is a glossary in itself. Each and every type of work is unique in itself hence one can never predict or prove the magnitude of significance of either of the two. The importance of either is purely situation based. We can assume one thing safely, at least for accuracy tasks, groups perform better than individuals. The outcome of an accuracy task depends on the most competent member of the group. All it takes is one person who is correct, and the group will succeed. It follows from this idea that the more people who are working on a problem, the greater the odds are that someone will be competent enough to solve it.

As I mentioned at the beginning of the passage, group work is religiously practiced just because it is socially, politically and organizationally more famed than individualism. Being a part of the call centre industry for 2 yrs – let me quote an example which is close to my heart – A call centre typically has the following hierarchy in operations:
- TL
- Customer Rep

Let me elaborate – it has one call centre manager (CCM) who has more than 5 Team Operation Managers (TOM) in every section. A TOM heads more than 10 TL’s each who further look after a team of at least 10 executives. Now keeping apart the organization culture and philosophy (which only sounds good in text books or countries like Japan), every executive will have his own philosophy and attitude towards work, his own objectives and his own agenda. Imagine a team which is consistently leading the floor for 6 months and in comes a new comer who is very low on job loyalty, a dimwit with a scarce motivation and stimulus to work. Assuming that the team tries their best to get him on his feet and try every possible trick in the book to push him harder , he still keeps the team out of the top 5 for more than a quarter – what do u think happens to the loyalty and motivation of his coworkers in the team. Taking an exactly opposite scenario, muse over a very dedicated and overworking employee who gives his 200 % towards work everyday , he just gets disembarked to a team full of dimwits with an equally dimwit TL. What do u infer about his enthusiasm towards work?

This example is not only across the executive hierarchy – try and judge the above mentioned scenario among all chains of command. Can u imagine the utmost level of pandemonium, I am sure u can actually visualize this scenario in 3-D without even wearing 3D glasses. If you consider any organization – even after Democratic leadership being scribbled in bold on the Mission Statement – we all know that any leader always goes on his own gut instinct and verdict after taking a consensus from his team (this example is more inclined towards lower rungs of the hierarchy ladder). People whose opinions are slightly considered and taken into account are very happy – but what about those who views are vomited back on them with interest in front of their team mates.

Now consider a call centre with individuals working instead of a team, each individual given a certain target to meet and incentives proportional to the amount of the target mark crossed. The ones with enthusiasm will continue to work harder in order to achieve more recognition and incentive and the dimwits can be easily spotted in the stack and kicked off or retrained. Each individual responsible for his own actions and rewards instead of a dimwit getting recognition just because his team is good. The worst part is in a team you can never be your own self but adapt yourself to the majority of the subordinates if you want to be accepted. An individual will always be considered at par with his group inspite of his individual competence. Why go far, consider our own college!! Of all the group projects that I have been a part of till now – I have seen that only 2-3 of the entire 5 students work and slog to meet deadlines while the rest lay off by saying – I don’t have a PC at home or I have to participate in a fashion show. While individual projects like this one or computer assignments give you limitless boundaries to show off your ingenuity, they are even always submitted on time. I am more than content writing this blog and speaking my heart out.

I may sound like a left front leader shouting slogans against globalization, but this is just the tip of the iceberg that’s going to break our corporate titanic into half. Take an opinion poll today in college and ask their preference towards Individual Work Vs Group Work – I bet that you will unearth all Brain Child’s and sincere students asking for working individually while all dimwits insisting for group work (Activities apart from assembly line work or physical work where group working is a must)

Benefits of Team/Group Work
· In group work, you can draw on each group member's knowledge and perspectives, a better understanding of the class material for exams, labs, etc.
· You can also draw on people's different strengths. For example, you might be a great analyst while someone else is much better at organizing papers.
· Groups are great for motivation: they force you to be responsible to others and frequently, then, do more and better work on a project than you might when only responsible to yourself.
· Group work helps keep you on task. It's harder to delay when working with others.

Benefits of Individual Work:
· Main benefit is that the employee identifies himself/herself with the job and organization and this leads to improved motivation and enhanced task performance.
· It leads to reduced conflicts and thus stress, more commitment towards goals and better acceptance of change, improved communication.
· It is almost a matter of common sense that human beings will take greater pride and pleasure in their work if they are allowed individual freedom in shaping policies and decision which affect their work – as compared to team consensus.

Presume that groups do not perform better tasks than individuals – there would be little motivation to make groups at all. However people do work in groups, in fact they work in it so often that we tend to conclude that groups are a quintessential part of any organization. To give another concrete example to harden my argument, consider a group of 10 with one member making an error (atleast one) – there would be an error rate of
10 % on the whole which is obviously unacceptable. Moreover as the number of people in the group increases and the amount of work decreases – productivity decreases as well. And if the task is unexciting, their minds may wander, or perhaps they talk among themselves. If this happens, the process variables are faulty. Things do not run as smoothly as they could. Thus, actual productivity equals potential productivity minus losses due to this "faulty" process. If u make these same people work individually on a task – the summation of their individual productivity would be much higher. Just to cite one more example – imagine 5 female typists typing together in a group vs. the same typists typing alone in 5 different rooms. Given a time span of one hour, which fraction do you think will click to give maximum yield?

On account of time and page constraints – let’s summarize the topic. We can now safely presume that team/group work devours much more time and resources as compared to individual work. The former is not only less productive but also has more conflicts to be dealt with, higher communiqué hassle, and the most monotonous component is the number of meetings to be arranged for any job or discussion. Thus Group work is more pricey and less beneficial in the long run. The bottom-line on which I have stressed time and again is that team work is being brought in without reason by some managers into situations which can be more efficiently managed by individuals – just to keep up with the latest organizational trends.

ABoUt MySelF !!

I guess the most diabolical aspect of any person’s persona is his perception about himself – something in OD/HR terms called as SELF CONCEPT. Every person has a very vague and familiar dilemma about their own definition about themselves. I being a sane mortal choose to be in that same category of dilemmatic individuals who can never have a crisp and well defined self concept.

My about me sections on any dating website or friendship groups including my blogs define me in my most basic self perception:

I WOuLD LuV tO IntROdUCe MySElf aS a sElf ProCLaImeD KiNg Of

The KinGDom oF AsShOlEs.... An EnLigHTened SOuL In ThIs

AbySmaLy AtROcIoUs LaNd oF muMbAI !!

These simple 3 lines about me explain almost all the 23 years of my life including my self perception of being an As#$@$^& of the worst order to the array of ups and downs in this rollercoaster Bi#$%@ called LIFE. It also focuses on me being on a better plain as compared to the other abysmal souls for which I would like to pass on benefit to the innumerably superfluous tragedies that I have gone through in this atrocious city.

Having read half a page about me I am sure you all would now deduce a perception about me being a sadistic pessimist who would never like to take his life head on and would crib for every inch of bruises that life imparts on me. But the story just begins here; since childhood I have had a knack for creative aspects of this enchanting journey called life. Though there is not even an average ounce of creativity in my genes, I love to expand on people’s creativity or ideas. In school I used to think I had an artistic ability of copying ideas but I beg to differ with myself now. Expanding on other peoples ideas is what defines the very foundation of the corporate world, everything from board room decisions to strategic game plans!! Not everyone is gifted to endow others who have a vision but don’t know how to reach to it in the best possible way!!

Apart from enhancing creative ideas I also like to indulge myself in critique write ups about any real life issue which irritates my conscience. I write about any concern that frustrates me from the bottom of my heart, or any issue which pacifies me or makes me happy by the way it is carried out or handled. My favorite write ups include the ones about OBC reservations and the Cola – Pesticide matter.

I love reading about current affairs, brand stories – transformations and current behaviors, I love to analyze situations and provide my on point of view towards achieving a consensual solution. I believe in populist decisions as a leader, what is good for many is good for all, but what serves interests of minorities should be sidelined. I have my own political outlook especially towards countries like India with a rich and diverse political history and also my own set of inclination towards the right and hatred towards the left. I am a big aficionado of the entire concept of Economics. Everything from the fascinating demand-supply theory to concepts like PPP to PPC and micro concepts like BOP and inflation; I am equally engrossed in all.

My negative aspects include my selfish outlook towards my personal relationships where I hop into the shoes of a self proclaimed king who by default takes all decision regarding relationships and steer and ride them as per my own whims and fancies. My lust and importance for material things as well as relationships are always cyclically phased. The importance to each individual or commodity is always linked to their movement on life’s sensex (I call it VSE – VIzz Stock Exchange)

My weaknesses are a dime a dozen; the worst being my inability to break rules. My peers call me anything ranging from a FaTTu to DarPoK and also PagAL .. But I still can never consciously go against a one way sign, break traffic signals, and go fast on a road where I know there would be cops with speed guns, sketch abuses on the college walls, break any SOPs during exams, etcetera, etcetera... Its not that I do not do it, but I can only do it when I am deadly assured of not breaking the 11th commandment

ThOu ShALt NeVa GeT CauGht ..

I am ever so fascinated with my childhood dream of being a top notch corporate analyst in some big Think Tank. I always hallucinate about my future in terms of my career where I am a constant flier visiting cities around the globe and studying the market cultures and dynamics that every city hides within itself.

Well that’s all about Moi !!